Things You Can Do In Next 10 Minutes That Will Change Your Life

Things You Can Do In Next 10 Minutes That Will Change Your Life


#2 Tell Somebody You Love Them
Not just anybody, but somebody that you actually feel love toward. 

#3 Do as many pushups as you can
Trust us, working out improves the endorphin flow, which makes you feel and look better if you stick with it daily. 

#4 Give a Friend a Call
We know they are there, but why not remind them of just how close you are? 


#5 Sit Up
Be mindful of your posture, if it is bad it can affect your long-term health and even more immediate pitfalls.

#6 Meditate
Don't worry if you are not sure how to go about it, that is what Google was made for. 


#7 Quit Smoking
Even if just for 10 minutes, though we and those that love you would prefer you quit forever.


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