Things You Can Do In Next 10 Minutes That Will Change Your Life
Things You Can Do In Next 10 Minutes That Will Change Your Life
Tell Somebody You Love Them
Not just anybody, but somebody that you actually feel love toward.
Do as many pushups as you can
Trust us, working out improves the endorphin flow, which makes you feel and look better if you stick with it daily.
Give a Friend a Call
We know they are there, but why not remind them of just how close you are?
Sit Up
Be mindful of your posture, if it is bad it can affect your long-term health and even more immediate pitfalls.
Don't worry if you are not sure how to go about it, that is what Google was made for.
Quit Smoking
Even if just for 10 minutes, though we and those that love you would prefer you quit forever.
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