Girl Pissed Off ... Dress Looks Different On Girl Than On Model

#1 This Beautiful Dress
A buyer on eBay fell in love with this dress and bought it. 


#2 The Seller
The seller looked stunning in the dress, that had cutouts showing her body. 


#3 From All Angles
No matter which way the buyer looked at the dress, it was something she really wanted for herself.

#4 Same Dress, Different Girl
When the dress came, the buyer put it on, but uh oh, did she get ripped off?


#5 Looked So Different
The dress didn't look anything like it did on the seller. 


#6 The Problem
However, the problem wasn't the dress ... it was the body in the dress. 


#7 Not Magic
The dress was not a magic dress that transformed bodies and now the buyer is disappointed that she didn't get what she thought she was getting. 


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