People Blatantly Breaking Rules

#2 The Word "NO" Doesn't Translate
Is it considered camping when you sleep in a tent overnight? You need to be more specific. 

#3 Parenting Win
Don't ever let the man get you down, and don't let them get your spawn down either. 



#5 No What?
Parking? I park where my car ends up bruh. 

#6 Caution
Caution, badass behind this caution tape. Pee at your own risk.


#7 Fire Burns Wood
IT shouldn't take too long til this isn't a problem right? 


#8 Tea For Tea
This is how we roll. Take that Snapple. 


#9 Median
Medians are for pussies. Pilot's aren't pussies. 


#10 No Kids?
Who you callin kid? Can't you see these badges of HONOR? 


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