This Is Not What The Camera Man Intended To Take A Picture Of

#1 Damn Baby
That's one happy primate. He made it to second base faster than any human has with this woman. 


#2 WTF Is That?
A headless gymnast is like the scariest monster in the whole world because they run and spin around aimlessly and destroy nearly everything in their path. 


#3 Baby Boy
Look at that tiny man!, or it a giant pigeon? 


#4 She's On Fire!
So as the photogrpapher was trying to capture the scene of the accident a whole new bombshell happened to drop in. 


He totally scored, finally. He's been practicing his whole liufe for this very moment and this day was the happoiest day of his life. He's known by his tweam mates as "Old Stinkfist" now


#6 Holy Squirts!
She's like a Got Damnt Geyser! She's a new national monument-HOld Faithful.! 


#7 Nice Fish Bor
See you in Hell! "What do you mean?", you ask. The bear, it's gonna eat you UP! 


#8 She's All Wet
Well technically she's not wet yet, but she's about to be wet--and pissed off! 


#9 Lady Boy
This lady boy as trying to order a sandwich, but nobody paid attention to what he was saying and instead focused on his sweet rack. 


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