This Lady Tries To Imitate Absurd Celebrity Photos And It's Hilarious

#1 Celeste Barber
Australian mother, Celeste Barber, has become very popular on Instagram for her hilarious, imitations of celebrities doing "normal things". 


#2 Celebrity Instagram Accounts
Instagram has become the most popular way to explore "everyday lives" of celebrities. They post selfies, which are supposedly, in-depth looks, into their realities. 


#3 Ridiculous Selfies
They post perfect selfies doing things we could never imagine being able to do.


#4 Barber Mocks The Stars And It's Hilarious!
Barber has imitated these stars, to show you how absurd they actually look when someone, who is not famous, tries to photograph themselves, in the same manner as a celebrity does. 


#5 Unattainable Standards
Although she sometimes uses props which aim to mock celeb selfies, she sometimes poses exactly the same, to show how ridiculously unattainable their standards of beauty are.


#6 @Celestebarber
Go checkout her Instagram account at @celestebarber if you want a good laugh or two. 


#7 WTF Poses
Some of these poses make absolutely no sense, which makes Barber's photos even funnier! 


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