People to Remind You That Life Can Always Get Worse

#1 How Did This Even Happen?
It does not look like there was a dry spot for the tide to cover, they must have just taken a wrong turn. 


#2 RIP Nissan Altima
This is just one thing a car can't come back from...


#3 It's All Fun and Games Until Somebody Gets Kicked in the Face
Hey, at least she was able to muster something of a grin through obvious pain.


#4 Apply Sunscreen Liberally, Bra.
And this is the picture of why you wear ample sunscreen when you hit up Coachella.


#5 Tea Bagged by an Elephant
Bet this is not what they were expecting when they set out on their African vacation. 


#6 Scatter!
When you unleash a brown shower on your fellow cheerleaders, you have ZERO right to expect that somebody will catch you. 


#7 What a Travesty
Is the bigger crime all of that wasted pasta gold or the fact that it landed on what appears to be technology? We can't decide.... 


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